That's good advice, Mark.

You're right on about the OOM killer bit.  I actually had just realized
that Tomcat will always be killed by OOM if OOM is invoked, because
Tomcat of course is carving a substantial heap of memory for itself. :)

I just had a look at my DSpace Control panel and found that the memory
usage is less than half of what I've allocated Tomcat, and because I've
pinned -Xms and -Xmx, Java is using it all anyways.  I know the DSpace
guide recommends this, but I'm not sure how I feel about it.  In any
case, I've reduced my -Xmx for Tomcat now, and they are currently:

JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms1024m -Xms2048m
-XX:MaxPermSize=320m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode"

I didn't realize bin/dspace was setting a heap size, that's interesting.
 I wonder which memory settings my apps were using then that caused them
to run away with memory and incur the wrath of the OOM killer (upon
Tomcat's java!).  I will now explicitly set them in /etc/environment I
think, as well as start logging the output of each cron job so I can see
what's going wrong.  I'm not keen to start messing with memory options
in individual scripts; it seems like a maintenance nightmare, haha (sure
to forget what I set where, with different test servers laying around etc).



On 05/20/2014 04:10 PM, Mark H. Wood wrote:
> On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 11:33:48AM +0300, Alan Orth wrote:
>> I'm curious if anyone sets memory limits for DSpace's various cron jobs?
> As delivered, DSpace does that itself.  In bin/dspace, around line 69,
> the script sets a maximum heap size of 256 MB, *unless* you already
> have JAVA_OPTS set.  One thing you might check is whether there is
> already a JAVA_OPTS value which sets substantially higher limits for
> any of Java's memory pools.
>> Lately we've been having Tomcat's java process get killed every morning
>> around the same time, and all dmesg shows is that "java" was killed by
>> the kernel's OOM killer.  Catalina logs don't show any "SEVERE" errors,
>> so I have to assume it's the cron jobs which are using up loads of
>> memory and then confusing the kernel, which then identifies Tomcat's
>> java as the memory hog and kills it.
> The kernel's notion of the best candidate for the OOM Killer probably
> has less to do with fixing blame than with recovering a big hunk of
> memory, making Tomcat a tempting target no matter which process you
> think is at fault.
>> So I'm just curious if anyone has had these kinds of problems, and
>> if/what they set their JAVA_OPTS to in crontab.
> If you set JAVA_OPTS globally in crontab, I would suggest moving that
> to individual commands (or scripts that they run) as needed, and
> tuning each one to its actual needs.  I haven't tried to profile
> memory usage on commandline Java app.s yet, so I have no specific
> advice here.
> What limits have you set for Tomcat?  It's easy to find poor advice on
> this -- I've passed along some myself -- and give Tomcat far *more*
> than it needs.  I hope you're keeping an eye on Tomcat's actual memory
> usage and tuning it appropriately.  (I have a weekly reminder to snoop
> on this with my favorite tool:  Psi Probe.)
>> The long term plan of course is to move to a machine with more memory
>> (currently 4GB).
> 4GB should be plenty, unless you have many instances running
> concurrently or a truly enormous collection.  Other applications, the
> DBMS, etc. will have some impact on that, of course.
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Alan Orth
"I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my
telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out how
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