I listen a lot on D*STAR and actually hear many calls go unanswered. In
reality I want to respond but at the same time don't want to appear to be
hogging the system always being the one to join in for a quick conversation.


I too know quite a few local hams that have D*STAR radios but have never
used them and I must assume it's due to their complexity. Someone is going
to have to step up to the plate and start educating these users on the how
too's to operate. I have been learning by trial and error. I think more
error than trial.  Just ask Nate about the night we were chatting and
Philadelphia PA jumped in to remind me I was still linked to their repeater.
I didn't know I had to clear a call from someone I had chatted with earlier
in the day.  I love this technology and think we've only scratched the
surface of its potential. 


During the Democratic National Convention I was programming radio's here in
Denver left and right so new users could at least get on the air with their
radio's for the first time. Although they didn't get much use at the time it
became apparent how useful D*STAR would be to an organization like the
Salvation Army. Operators are often deployed throughout the region or even
between regions. Having call sign routing of individuals which travel makes
it easy for their logistics communications especially for support of major
operations. When sharing out your .icf files just make sure you tell others
to change the MY CALL sign entry or you may be hearing yourself often!  Not
to mention we still have an RG8U that pops up around Denver now and then.


I have spent more time learning about my ICOM 92AD than any other radio I've
owned.  I think I can navigate through just about everything except the GPS
functions. guess they are next.  But its interesting to hear you guys ask
questions about the other radios. Maybe one day I too will have a mobile
radio. Until then I can only learn about them and help others program their


If I can talk our local D*STAR guru Nate into bringing his software to work
one day I am going to meet up with him and change his name from LJ back to







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