On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 07:48:47PM -0000, dlake02 wrote:
> There is one problem will Open Source, and that is the possibility that
> someone will change something that breaks things for everyone else.
> The effect there could be to close down all open source development.   

This is not a problem with open source development, nor is it a technical
problem. It's an issue with a developer who does not understand the
differnce between production and testing. The solution is to educate that

> I haven't decided whether I'm going to open-source or just generally
> release my software yet - I haven't done anything like enough testing yet.

Please do not let the actions of one developer who doesn't understand the
difference between production and test get in the way of making your code
open source.

> So, I'll be following the standard software lifecycle of dev-test,
> alpha/pre-production, production.

Just like software should be done.
Jay Maynard, K5ZC at K6ZC port B    http://www.conmicro.com
http://www.k6zc.org                  http://www.tronguy.net
http://jmaynard.livejournal.com           (Yes, that's me!)

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