Quoting Andy Polyakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^ As already mentioned DVD+R[W] recording velocity of 2.4x
> is CLV, *not* CAV! Recording velocity of 2.4x is maintained uniform
> across the whole media. How do I know? I've instrumented my drive! As
> for 4xDVD+R.
> I can't speak for SONY DRU500A, but HP dvd300i/NEC
> ND1100A units record even 4xDVD+R in CLV, i.e. 4x velocity is
> maintained across the whole media, not just outer edge.


First off, I have read review after review of 1-2G DVD+RW drives that show 2.4x
drives are CAV, at least performance-wise.  I'll have to hit some engineering
specifications to confirm/deny.

Secondly, so maybe I assumed that 4x was CAV also, but maybe it's CLV instead? 
I was under the impression that beyond CLV was impossible beyond 2x, but I could
be incorrect.  Maybe these new 2G DVD-RW and 3G DVD+RW drives are capable of
higher CLV speeds.

> >                 DVD-RW
> > kernel rewrite  patch
>                   ^^^^^ where? I'm not aware of such thing.

I ran across it once, but haven't been able to run into it since.

> >                 DVD+RW
> > Record (other)  ProDVD
>                   ^^^^^^ cdrecord-ProDVD can *not* record DVD+.

Oh, thanx.  My ignorance.  I'll change that into a note for the Sony then.

Bryan J. Smith  (suffix-free title for your protection)
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