> I finally put this all into a table with some basic info on a single
> HTML page (my weblog):  
> http://www.smithdot.net/display.php?category=hardware&article=dvdbygeneration.txt
> Corrections, comments, etc... solicited and greatly appreciated.
  ^^^^^^^^^^^ As already mentioned DVD+R[W] recording velocity of 2.4x
is CLV, *not* CAV! Recording velocity of 2.4x is maintained uniform
across the whole media. How do I know? I've instrumented my drive! As
for 4xDVD+R. I can't speak for SONY DRU500A, but HP dvd300i/NEC ND1100A
units record even 4xDVD+R in CLV, i.e. 4x velocity is maintained across
the whole media, not just outer edge.

>                 DVD-RW
> kernel rewrite  patch
                  ^^^^^ where? I'm not aware of such thing.

>                 DVD+RW
> Record (other)  ProDVD
                  ^^^^^^ cdrecord-ProDVD can *not* record DVD+.

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