Gary N5PHT wrote:

Well, for what it is worth here is my thoughts. I am sitting at 325 and of the 10 I have left, several (3 or 4) have "no likely chance" of operations. Why keep them on the list? If a country does not allow activity from an entity I would like to see them go off the 'active' list.

This could be handled by starting an 'inactive' list and then using the active list to determine honor roll, etc. I am not just complaining but really wonder why an entity would be keeping someone from 'top of the honor roll' when there is no possibility of operations from there.


To me the great lure of DXCC is that it's like a "lifetime achievement" award. Nobody said Top of Honor Roll should be easy or fast.

In my experience as an amateur-band SWL and a licensed amateur, it's been quite amazing how totally impossible countries became fairly commonplace (BY), or at least workable (P5, XZ, ZA). But when I missed the VK0H operation around 87/88, little did I realize that a decade would pass before I got another shot. Just made VK0IR all the more appreciated.

I hope we never change the format of DXCC. I like it just the way it is.

73, John, NT5C.
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