At 20:56 04/20/06, Dave wrote:

Short of someone's life or limb being in danger, there is no excuse for
transmitting on a DX station's frequency.

Its hard to look someone in the eyes and firmly say "what you're doing is
wrong, and here's why". At least your friend had you to tell him; for all
too many ops, there's no one.

We reap what we sow...

I was just listening to VU4 on 20 SSB as I was reading this thread when this southern-accented brainless wonder just started going apoplectic on the VU4's frequency telling guys off who were tuning up. I swear, I thought the guy was pop an aneurysm or something. The pile was 1about 15 kHz deep and pretty intense. Meanwhile, on 17 SSB and 20 CW two other VU4s were sitting and easy to pop one-call. Sigh.

- Peter


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