My observations through the years is that the "bad apples" who generate QRM and engage in outrageous behaviour on the air are also comporting themselves in the same manner in their everyday lives. I disagree with one of the writers who alleged that most of the violators are old timers, extra class etc. Years ago intentional QRM was almost unheard of and operators did not have the luxury of split nor a VFO. You were limited to a handful of crystals. Perhaps newer is not always better in spite of the sophisticated equipment we now have. If you have a poor operator at the helm then you expect low grade performance.

73   Norm   K1AA

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'WC7N'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'DX-CHAT'" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:56 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] [dx-CHAT] Gentlemen HAM'S

Short of someone's life or limb being in danger, there is no excuse for
transmitting on a DX station's frequency.

Its hard to look someone in the eyes and firmly say "what you're doing is
wrong, and here's why". At least your friend had you to tell him; for all
too many ops, there's no one.

We reap what we sow...


      Dave, AA6YQ

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 20:11 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] [dx-CHAT] Gentlemen HAM'S

Today I have been setting here in the Ham Shack, reading a book, because I
couldn't hear any of the DX but did check frequencies.  (Easy to do whey you

are retired and an old F...)  I was really amazed at the language I was
hearing and first put it on the dumbing down of the ham radio license
requirements but then remembered recently I was visiting a friend who has
been a ham for probably 12-15 years, he was calling a dx station on CW and
some body came up on freq and he went critical with the UP UP UP FU FU FU
etc.  I asked "what are you doing."  His answer "I work hard all day and
when I come home and have time to ham I don't have to put up with that s..."

Well maybe that is the problem now, not the dumbing down of the license but
working hard to support a family, taking too much sh.. from the boss and
just no patience when you get home.

Rod WC7N

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