Ron W3WN wrote:

The unintentional side effect was the creation of several new entities by
creation of an IARU society -- Ducie for one comes to mind, which followed
from the creation of the Pitcairn Is IARU society.  Consider that at least
one of these IARU groups was created solely to in turn create a DXCC entity,
and appear to otherwise be inactive groups (if not total shams).  So I for
one was not upset when the rule in question was removed.

I suggested turning Andy ZD9BV, the only active ham on Tristan da Cunah, into an IARU Society. That would have made Tristan a "Parent" entity, and allowed Gough Is - plenty far enough away - to become a new one. Oh well.

Just in case anyone thinks about it, it doesn't seem to work under the new rule, because I discovered that neither Tristan nor Gough have independent administrations. Both are governed via St Helena ZD7.

73, John, NT5C.
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