I totally agree with what Dan says BUT it just doesn't work that way. I have made plenty of DXpeditions, none to a place I had to stay in a tent in 100+degree weather or wear a jacket so heavy I could barely move. When you say the CV station only, many guys still call. OK, you say again, the CV only. Now a few less call but they still are QRMing the QRG. You say again the CV only. Now a few less call. Finally you get the station, F2CV or N0CV or whoever, but it wasn't because guys quit calling. It was because a few savvy DXers understood you were coming back to one station only and finally stood by. I personally will never leave a call if I get a partial. Rate be damned!

I have seen this behavior time after time. I don't think there is anything one can do to get this across to the masses. As the DX, I just keep at it and never vary. If your call is CV, you are going to get in the log!

Now, that being said, when working a JA pileup, it can be a thing of beauty but sometimes this even bites you. You come back to a weak weak ABJ and give a report and you hear ABJ come back, weak as water but hearable because the other JA's stood by. However, to get ABJ to send his call twice or three times is like pulling dragon's teeth. The JA stations are so polite that JA9ABJ doesn't want to run the risk of QRMing JA1ABJ.

None of this will stop me from going out again. Look for me from VK9C in October/November this year.

That's how it goes!


Charlie, W0YG..>>

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dan Zimmerman N3OX" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dx-chat@njdxa.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] How do we make better DXers?

The DX just has to be strict about who gets to get through.  The
pileup should be held up until WK7 gets to get through, or the DX says
"the whiskey kilo seven please" and is met with silence.  Yeah, QSO
rate may plummet, but that's just what has to happen to keep the
pileup in line.

I'm in favor of the DX giving specific instructions to keep the pileup
in line.  I've worked some hard ones on 30m because the DX sent "UP
17" instead of just "UP" and three-quarters of the pile didn't follow.

The  more the DX can reward the good, skilled, and polite DXer with
the contact at the expense of the brute-force jerks, the better the
pileups will get.

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