NOT practical and is totally out of the question.
The current rules make DXCC a CHALLENGE...not a "GIVEN"!!!

On that note...we have several here associated with a "DX" club and they believe in pumping their chest over #1 honor roll. #1 HR is obtainable by MANY hams as long as they live long enough AND the NEEDED entities are "ACTIVATED"...

Many needing that last one....did NOT get it!! But THIS DXPedition was NOT about eradicating the need for BS7 for everyone.... it was meant to put a very much needed entity on the air for a less than majority group. For the most part, ANY ham who has a radio and a yagi at some height can work them all GIVEN enough time....when there is a DXpedition like PETER ONE who is on for so long they call CQ endlessly without answer...SURE!!! EVERYONE can work them...

When an entity comes on like BS7 for a relatively SHORT period.....FORGET ABOUT IT!.... I think it would be interesting to know how many stations (IF ANY) in 3 or 4 land worked them without an AMP? I know many who called for days on end without one, only to end up coming over here to work them.

No mal intent implied or suggested....but the next time a BS7 comes on.....I bet you there will be more amps fired up on the east coast....IF NOTHING sure helps the HAM RADIO ECONOMY by having hams run out and purchase amps and YAGIS!!!!


Jose - N4BAA

Charles Gallo wrote:

On 5/10/2007 Bernie McClenny, W3UR wrote:

HS0ZCW, who sometimes operates as K4VUD said "Maybe it is time to re-think
the DXCC status of this place?"


I actually have read the rules - and I think they are rather silly - I follow them, but, if I was running the program, I'd add one simple one
The entity must have a permanent human population - defined as having been 
continuously populated for more 6 months - after 6 months of no one living 
there, they are removed

Yeah - I know it would remove a LOT of entities from the list, but -- 73 de KG2V

For the Children - RKBA!

A rose by any other name would be "deadly thorn-bearing assault vegetation."

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