These people need to get a life. A real life. Ham radio is only a part
of my life, a tiny part lately as work has been frantic. Even if I
didn't work, I am involved in so many other things ...

73, Zack W9SZ

On 10/23/11, Gary K9GS <> wrote:
> <snip>
> SB DX @ WW<  KB8NW $OPDX.1033
> Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1033
> The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
> DX Bulletin No. 1033
> BID: $OPDX.1033
> October 24, 2011
> Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
> Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
>    * LEADERBOARD SCORING AT T32C: Michael/G7VJR and Marios/5B4WN from the
> "Club Log" web page<>  report the following:
>    "During the T32C expedition, a large number of stations have succeeded
> in working the maximum number of slots possible, or share the same number
> of slots as a large number of other stations. Using the 'first past the
> post' scoring system, those who worked these slots first are ranked
> highest. Duplicates count negatively.
>    This scoring system has been manipulated by a small number of stations
> operating illegally. They have determined that by using someone else's
> callsign and working T32C, they can create duplicates and force that
> callsign down the leaderboard.
>    Ranking changes -- In response to this problem, the scoring system for
> the T32C is changing to a ranking that does not penalize duplicate QSOs.
> This removes the loophole that is being exploited. This change will be
> made live on 19th October, with the agreement of the T32C expedition
> team, to improve the fairness of the scoring."
> *****
> I really thing this whole ClubLog/leaderboard thing has gotten out of hand.
> People are actually CHEATING to improve their scores....amazing.
> Thoughts??
> --
> 73,
> Gary K9GS
> Check out K9NS on the web:
> Greater Milwaukee DX Association:
> Society of Midwest Contesters:
> ************************************************

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