You are 100% right.

DX-ing and contesting is a sport using a radio receiver and a transmitter. Participants making an effort to maximize their score, be it number of countries worked or points scored in a contest.

Amateur radio is no longer a training ground for emergency or military communicators of the future.

Just my 2c worth of personal opinion.

73   Lou   KE1F

On 6/6/2012 1:11 PM, Wayne Mills wrote:
FWIW, DXCC wasn't something that the ARRL foisted on unsuspecting hams! It
was a product of public demand, and it continued, and continued, and
continues to this day.

Wayne, N7NG
Jackson Hole

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Ryan Jairam
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 10:44 AM
To: dx-chat
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Leaderboards - and everything else.

Besides, if DeSoto didn't come up with the idea, someone else would have.

Ryan, N2RJ

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Zack Widup<>  wrote:
Yes, I'm sure small pileups would develop occasionally to work some
But without DXCC, I doubt anyone would be risking their lives and spending
fortune to go to places like Peter I or South Sandwich Islands. And a QSO
with someone in a European country would have equal weight with a QSO with
someone in Yemen.

I'm sure there would be people who wanted to work as many countries as
could on all bands and modes. But I'm willing to bet the number would be
much smaller.

But that's not the way it is and I guess we just need to live with the
existing situation.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 10:35 AM, Don Berger<>  wrote:

Well, let me ask this question: What would the ham radio world be like
if there were no DXCC or similar awards?

Arguably better in many ways. Among them, one could argue the ability to
have prolonged and therefore interesting discussions with hams in other
parts of the world would be enjoyable and equally as challenging as DX

The lack of a DXCC certificate in no way limits or precludes the
of working countries, band-countries, zones, counties, etc... The
of certificates fills a need only among those who are compelled to
demonstrate their accomplishment(s) to others who presumably couldn't
less. The accomplishment remains equal regardless.

I won't enumerate problems like qrm, too-wide pileup spreads, a life
outside ham radio, etc...

Just my take but for every person who lives and breathes dx, there are
many more who find enjoyment without external considerations.


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