Working numbers can work, but it is arbitrary and not the most effective. It
really accomplishes nothing but dividing the pileup. It accomplishes nothing
more. There are better ways.

The DXpeditioner should be paying attention to propagation and where/whom he
is working. An important DXpedition must pay attention to the "target" area,
the one of the three population centers in the world that is be the most
difficult. Working by continents accomplishes this as well as dividing the
pileup. Where you have two more-or-less equal targets you can even run two
separate pileups, one in each area. Yes, it can be done, even on CW. Even


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Dave Gomberg
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 2:00 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-NEWS] DXpedition calling practices

At 11:46 7/26/2011, Wayne Mills wrote:
>Numbers don't work, either.

Wayne, can you say more about this?   I have seen it be pretty 
effective from both ends.

Dave Gomberg, San Francisco   NE5EE     Programming since 1959
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