GM all;
I noticed that this morning vp8sdx is on 24920 wkg ssb.  I have not heard
this b4 from even out-of-USA-ops.  I thought the band edge was 24930 and up
for ssb.  One morning a few weeks ago, I heard several W6s on 24920 doing a
rag-chew.  I broke them saying they were out of band es was promptly told to
go read my regs and get away pse.  So I left them alone and did re-check the
freq allocations.  Everything I have sez 24930 and up for ssb.  However, I
am not sure what the allocations are for the rest of the world.  Never
having heard any other stns below 930 using ssb except the 6s, I assume that
the rest of the world is in line with this freq allocation set-up.  Anybody
have any comments on this?  I think the vp8 is checking 930 but have not
heard any USA stns wkg him yet.  Any thoughts?  73/dx
steve, k8wk

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