Hello all...

Double click on the Windows START button to open the listing of programs
and file in your computer. Find DX4WIN and double click to open folder
listing. Double click on DOCs to open the folder. Double click on
helpfile.pdf  and the HELP file will open. You can make shortcut to the
file if you wish or just find helpfile.pdf to open.

The helpfile.pdf IS NOT the helpfile, but a printable version of the help, if you want to make a book from it. The actual help file is dx4win.chm in the dx4win's main folder.

I have not the problem described by several users, but I had it with the previous release. I suggest to right click on every shortcuts used to start Dx4win. Click on "Properties" and make sure the "start on" box points to THE SAME folder where dx4win.exe (and dx4win.chm) resides.

By the way: if you start dx4win by simply clicking on a .dxl file (e.g. yourcall.dxl file), you probably will be unable to access the help. You have to start dx4win with the shortcut, or directly clicking on dx4win.exe.

73 de Isidro, EA8NQ
E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (remove the _ )

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