LaMarr Dell wrote
> e-gold, OmniPay, G&SR .. same thing .. "egold" for short. We ALL know, at
> least by now we all SHOULD know, that they are ALL the same people ..

No, they aren't. Just because multiple corporations are owned by the same
individuals does not mean that you can sue at a whim. You cannot sue
e-gold ltd. for any grievances against Omnipay/G&SR.

> quote:
> a trusted group of lawyers/escrow agents is in control of
> the money.
> end quote**************
> "trusted" by whom ?  

The corporate entity who was legally liable for the money. That would be
Omnipay/G&SR, not e-gold ltd.

>  Part of those funds are MINE 

How is removing the funds from e-gold going to get the money to you any
faster or cheaper? If they have your funds because you spent it to them to
play in their game, then they are no longer have your funds; unless you
won. In which case, why don't they simply pay you with e-gold?

> .. how much are they eating up in "fees" while they are playing their GOD
> game ?????  and as it sits it loses value .. how much will FINALLY go back
> to Costa ? someone is making a tidy sum just sitting there LOOKING at it.

uh...It's very simple. The agio fee is 1% per annum taken monthly. i.e.

>From how I understand it, e-gold ltd. isn't making money off the storage
fee. It is called a storage fee for a reason. That is how much it costs to
securely store metal in escrow.

> the fact that THEY went offshore to set up THEIR corporation
> says that they would RATHER be under the laws of some OTHER country ..
> why's that ?  Maybe for the SAME reason that "Costa" is ? yet they (AND
> YOU) **FAULT**  "Costa" for that kind of move, hmmmm.. double standard?

No. The reason I believe e-gold, and the completely separated entity
Omnipay/G&SR, are more honorable and trustworthy is experience. They have
proven themselves to me and Costa Gold hasn't. If Omnipay/G&SR says that
Costa Gold hasn't provided sufficient identity, then I believe them. There
is no double standard, just differing levels of trust.

> AND, all of these so called "game sites" should NOT use e-gold for ANY of
> their activities ?  the Players should pull out their gold and use some
> OTHER currency format ?  is that YOUR desire ?

Game sites are different than scam sites. I am fully supportive of
gambling sites, as long as they sell it as gambling. Once they begin to
call it HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) or any form of "investment
opportunity", it becomes a scam. It is a scam because they claim to
guarantee the payouts. Have you ever been to a legitimate casino that
guarantees a significant payout on every bet made?

> yep! ! that is EXACTLY what YOUR decision is .. there it is in PLAIN sight
> for ALL to see.  Okay game OPERATORS AND PLAYERS, the word is in (or
> WITH YOU ....

errr...You are telling people to just leave the e-gold sitting in their
account and never touch it again? What good will that do? The only people
benefiting will be the escrow agents and the repository bank.

> btw, "Viking"?, should YOU turn in all of your national currency ? because
> drug dealers use it, gambling houses use it, houses of prostitution use
> it, beer halls use it, covert activities use it, ..... what currency do
> YOU use ?  you don't want currency with ANY stigma attached to it in YOUR
> pocket, do you ? good luck in trying to find it..

Good God no!!! I must cleanse myself of all impurities. Please wait while
I go flog myself with a rosary bead chain with bathing in holy water
blessed by the Pope while listening to scriptures being read by chanting

> Get it now ?

Yes. You prefer to rant and rave without reading the user agreements. It
is always somebody's else fault. You believe that you can sue corporations
that have lived up to their User Agreements because IYO other corporations

Viking Coder
Before you ask... No, I am not employed by, affiliated with, or receiving
any form of compensation from e-gold ltd. or Omnipay/G&SR. These are my
own indepedent conclusions and opinions.

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