Viking Coder wrote:
> > .. how much are they eating up in "fees" while they are playing their GOD
> > game ?????  and as it sits it loses value .. how much will FINALLY go back
> > to Costa ? someone is making a tidy sum just sitting there LOOKING at it.
> >
> uh...It's very simple. The agio fee is 1% per annum taken monthly. i.e.
> 0.08125%/month
> >From how I understand it, e-gold ltd. isn't making money off the storage
> fee. It is called a storage fee for a reason. That is how much it costs to
> securely store metal in escrow.

If it costs 1% p.a. for metal storeage then how come goldmoney stores it
for 0.5% p.a.?

I suspect that e-gold will reduce its agio eventually.

David Hillary

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