
> Do you know of any e-gold transactions that have been reversed? Did they
> reverse any e-gold sent to you?

    Reversed?  No.  As I stated in my posting, they are "non-reputiable"

   Any particular reason you are asking?


Eric Gaither, President
Gaithmans Gold Nation, Inc.
(317) 788-8580 Voice


Gaithmans: your ultimate e-currency exchange service provider!

----- Original Message -----
From: "SnowDog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "e-gold Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 1:16 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] RE: E-Gold to Paypal

> >     Now more than ever Outexchange transactions need to have as much (if
> not
> > MORE) Due Diligence completed as Inexchange transactions.  Completing
> > outexchanges for people can sometimes drop their "dirty laundry" right
> > top of your unsuspecting head.
> Do you know of any e-gold transactions that have been reversed? Did they
> reverse any e-gold sent to you?
> ---
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