> No, go to the local home purchaser union, join up and save 10% of the
> value of the house into an account.

So, first I must have 10% of the house's value. I don't, but say I get them.
No... actually the first problem is the existence of the union, but we
consider it there.

> Then pick the house and show that besides paying rent, you will be able to
> save the current value equivalent of the house within the next 20 years.
> Have the union buy the house and rent it to you for 20 years. After 20
> years pay the remaining 90% and it's yours.

Then I have to pay the rent, plus the rest of 90% of the value of the
house?! Maybe you wanted to say the 90% are covered by the rent paid for
those 20 years. If not, then the price of the house just doubled (rent +

Anyway, the problem is the rent is still paid and it adds up to at least the
same amount as the loan (plus interest), since those who rent (the members
of the union) also want to make a profit. Or, of course, the people who put
the money together in the union (the members), don't get any profit out of
it (only their house, when is their turn), and provided there absolutely no
inflation ever (which I believe is an utopia, gold or no gold as currency).
And those who just got a house have to pay the rent plus a small amount of
money to cover their union contribution (which I say gets close to the
interest since a house is not cheap), so that other union members can have
their house.

Now what?!

George Hara


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