>I guess everyone is going to be asking you sooner or later.
What is Radio Free Satan?  Does it accept e-gold?

It's an online 'radio' station using streaming audio to broadcast programs with a 
Satanic focus. I don't run it or anything, but they give out free 6 meg email accounts 
which haven't yet closed down like the 2 previous ones I was using from serious 
outfits. AFAIK they don't take e-gold per se, but they are always scrounging for 
donations so you could probably talk them into it. The page to race to is 
www.radiofreesatan.com if you want to check their programming schedule etc. If it's 
still airing (the programs are on a weekly rotation) try and catch the Satanism Today 
program where the host interviewed Fred Phelps from the Westboro Baptist Church 
(www.godhatesfags.com), it's absolutly hilarious.

>>  In this age of media spin, I am amazed how often the
>> front pages of newspapers are full of articles which...
>> go on and on about what 'might', 'may' or 'could' be true.

>Indeed.  I heard a big fat blatant lie today on the
ABC affiliate in Houston - the news anchor says that
US law forbids Americans from gambling online.  There
is no such law.  There are proposals in Congress to
prevent Americans from using their credit cards in
gambling online, and there are credit card companies
that presently refuse service for customers trying to
gamble online with credit cards, but there is *no*
law forbidding online gambling.

>You'd think the mainstream media have an agenda with
stuff like that going on, hmm?

I've found that every single time I've appeared in the print media over the years they 
have managed to make at least one major blooper, and this is local interest type news. 
Just a few weeks ago I rang one of the local reporters and gave them a front page 
story (about the previously mentioned Council email closing down). Sure enough my 
quote, that it was very inconvenient for a community organisation I am secretary of, 
described me as the group's president. Hardly earth-shattering stuff, but now the 
journalist gets upset with me when I describe her fine paper as 'fishwrap'.

>Oh, and I encourage gambling online, because gambling is
a good, Bible-mentioned practice which everyone should
feel good about doing.  God wants you to gamble?  He
sure did make plenty of opportunities available.
Go now and gamble thou likewise!


>> the price of gold 'might' reach $400/ounce,

>Is $399.20 close enough? <grin>

>The price of gold will reach $400 per ounce, or, more
accurately, the price of dollars will reach one four
hundredth of an ounce of gold.  I don't know when, but
I'm willing to guess.

Of course, if we wait long enough, the price of gold will reach $0 an ounce (when 
there is no more market and probably no more people).

>> that Terrorists 'could be' planning this or that outrage.

>Yes, those pesky terrorists.  We should...be vexed by them.

>We might as well write, "hobgoblins" in place of "terrorists"
in deference to HL Mencken.

>> George Bush, Tony Blair and the Queen might be planning a
>> Satanic Mass at Buckingham Palace,

>I think they are!  Have you read, _The AntiChrist and a
Cup of Tea_ by Tim Cohen?  Fantastic book.  It sets out to
prove that the Prince of Wales is going to turn into the
AntiChrist by the year 2019.  Amazing stuff.  One does so
look forward to finding out if it is true.  And still time
for a sequel!

I'm a David Icke man myself, always watching out for those shape-changing, baby-eating 
reptoid royals. www.davidicke.com is always good to browse if you can navigate it.

>> But of course it is utterly pointless to sit around discussing
>> how stupid/ignorant/idiotic most people seem to be these days.

>As JP May has so eloquently pointed out on this list and
various others at various times, there is no point to
Internet discussions.  Anyone who thinks he is engaged in
an Internet discussion for some purpose is making a mistake.
Internet discussions are either self-actualizing or not. If
you don't like the chatter, get out of the chatterbox. Or,
something like that.

Yes, fifty million monkeys all banging away on their keyboards.

>> Tune in to http://radiofreesatan.com
>> Tune in, Turn on, We'll Take You Straight to HELL!

>I have to say that I have no desire for this product, but
>I do admire the forthright fashion in which it is promoted.

>From the available literature, hell is eternal pain and
damnation and fire and punishment and not much fun.  If
you get a counter offer from radiofreegod.com, please do
let me know.  Heaven, by all accounts, is eternal life,
and that sounds like a much better deal.

I prefer blackadder's explanation to someone who was terribly worried about going to 
Hell when he died. Heaven, he explained, is for people who like sitting around and 
clouds, playing harps and thinking good thoughts for eternity. Hell, on the other 
hand, is where you spend eternity swearing, drinking, fornicating and doing all the 
things 'heavenly' people disapprove of.

Tune in to http://radiofreesatan.com 
Tune in, Turn on, We'll Take You Straight to HELL!

Get your own Free Email at http://freemail.radiofreesatan.com

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