From July 10, 2002
News Update From The Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods

Dear Health Freedom Fighters,

Great news! The Initiative effort in Oregon to vote on labeling
genetically engineered foods appears to have gathered enough signatures
to get on the ballot in November.

The Initiative needed 67,000 signatures from registered voters. Over
101,000 signatures were turned in last Friday. So even allowing for a
substantial amount of invalid signatures from people who are not
registered voters, the Initiative should have well over the 67,000 valid
signatures required to get on the ballot.

The opposition wasted no time in launching their attack on the labeling
Initiative. The Oregonian newspaper stated, "The Coalition Against the
Costly Label Law announced its effort to defeat the proposal to require
labeling of genetically engineered food. The coalition includes the
Oregon Farm Bureau Federation, the Oregon State Grange, Oregon Grocery
Industry Association, Oregon Restaurant Association, Grocery
Manufacturers of America and other organizations."

This is going to be a classic David and Goliath fight in Oregon. The
opposition is likely to spend millions of dollars in an effort to defeat
the labeling Initiative. But, just as David beat the powerful Goliath,
activists in Oregon intend to pass the labeling Initiative despite the
financial resources and influence of the opposition. Polls consistently
show that the vast majority of consumers want labeling on genetically
engineered foods and now they will have an opportunity to vote for that
right in Oregon.

The State of Oregon has until August 4 to make the official announcement
that the Initiative met the required amount of signatures from
registered voters to get on the ballot.

Posted below is an excellent report by Jeff Peckman that provides
further details.

Congratulations to everyone who worked so hard to get this Initiative on
the ballot in Oregon!

Craig Winters
Executive Director
The Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods

The Campaign
PO Box 55699
Seattle, WA 98155
Tel: 425-771-4049
Fax: 603-825-5841
E-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web Site: Mission Statement: "To create a national 
grassroots consumer campaign
for the purpose of lobbying Congress and the President to pass
legislation that will require the labeling of genetically engineered
foods in the United States."


Oregon GE Food Labeling Proponents Make History
History was made on July 5 when Oregon GE activists submitted 101,256
signatures to the Secretary of State's office to put a GE food labeling
initiative on the ballot for voters. They are the first to achieve this
feat. Donna Harris and a core group of organizers and petitioners came
from cities throughout Oregon. Mel Bankoff, owner of Emerald Valley
Kitchen, was not only the major financial contributor but also collected
signatures with his wife many times through out the campaign.

Children Led Procession
"It was a beautiful day," remarked Donna Harris, one of the chief
proponents, who continued, "Everything flowed beautifully. The speakers
were great, and it was wonderful to have the children there. The
highlight of the event was actually walking with the children to turn in
the signatures. The procession was led by Michelle Bankoff who, I
believe, is three years old. She pushed a little red wheelbarrow with
about a thousand signatures in it, followed by my niece Katie Pyland who
pulled about 50,000 signatures in one wagon, and then Marlie Bankoff who
pulled the wagon with the other 50,000 signatures in it. And my other
nephew, Jimmie helped push the wagon. The kids led us into the Secretary
of State's office to the cheers of the crowd. It was a beautiful

Strong media presence
Media representatives came from two television stations - Channel 2 and
Channel 8, OPB Radio, which did an extensive interview, and newspapers,
which included The Oregonian, Statesman Journal, Portland Tribune, and
Associated Press news service. The Eugene Register Guard also did a

Opposition comes out early
Forces opposed to the labeling initiative also showed up at the
signature "turn-in" to announce their campaign to defeat it. Considering
that the initiative is not yet certified for the ballot, their unusual
move indicates the high stakes ahead. Grocery Manufacturers of America,
the biggest food industry lobbying organization opposing the initiative,
has a reputation for threatening to stop doing business in states which
contemplate mandatory labeling of GE food. Oregon voters could be the
first to put that threat to the test after many state legislators have
caved into it.

Will food trade stop for Oregon?
Opponents claim that mandatory labeling will disrupt Oregon food trade.
Kate Lord, another proponent of the labeling initiative countered that
claim in a June 25 Statesman Journal article. She pointed out that
"Oregon's independent streak has faced down such threats before. For
example, Coca Cola never made good on a threat not to sell its products
in the state when the Oregon Bottle Bill became law in 1971, requiring
bottles be returnable and have a minimum refund value". In a July 6
Statesman Journal article, initiative supporter Dawn Balzano added that,
"Kraft has a division in Europe that labels genetically engineered
foods, the same products that are made for consumers in North America".

What's next?
The Oregon Secretary of State has until August 4 to verify if at least
66,786 of the signatures are valid. If they are, then voter education
starts for the November 2002 election and the fun begins!

Jeff Peckman

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