>Subject: Re:  Digest ed-core  decapitation drm and netherlands dream
>Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1998 21:10:45 EDT
>decapitation dream- thank you for taking a turn away at a right angle 
>to the left or right of where this bottle cutter was located in the
dream and 
>for not becoming an "urgency" to your self or others and avoiding
contact with
>"urgency" for the day following this dream

You are welcome, though I'm not quite sure what you mean. Here is another
dream I had:

I dreamt I was canoeing through a clear stream that flowed through a
swamp. A big,
bright green snake floated to the surface. It was chopped in half and its
eyes were bulging. Later,  I was swimming through the stream. The water
was very clear and clean, and I could see schools of fish. I also saw a
snake of the same species, but it was intact and swimming vigorously.

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