Dream Title              the dark river
Date of Dream            July 5-98
Dream                    I dreamed i was beneath a chair drawing objects
that were common like a shoe, a chair leg and such.. then i find myself in
front of a large estate..I had come by van to this place and i was standing
in the sloping parking lot (the estate was on a mountain top) and i looked
about up and down the road.. There was a feeling of danger here and I knew
it before i had even arrived. I looked up and the sun was warm and shining
on the trees that surrounded the estate on all sides. There was oddly,
nothing to be seen beyond this position, so I looked down at my clothing to
see who i was? I suspected I was involved in something medical because I
wore mostly white..(I find myself dressed in white frequently in my
dreams)..I was wearing a white dr's coat and some heels in white. I walked
towards the building and noticed that the outer structure had a wide stone
staircase to the left that wound around the building to somewhere. I enter
the front side door, right be!
side the stone steps and walked into a large hall, or room that was busy
with people walking about. They were all in the medical field and I entered
and walked up to a staff attendant who was awaiting my arrival. I looked at
a chart and turned to see that there was a cell with bars to my left. In it
was a man seated on a bed. He was watching tv and yet I knew he was
watching me at the same time. I spoke to the attending doctor and I
discussed the case with him.. I then noticed that a male nurse was entering
the cell to bring food to the man in the cell at the time.. I turned to the
doctor and warned him outright that the man in the cell was extremely
dangerous and that I knew him well. I went on to say that the man in the
cell could not be trusted with even the smallest of instruments or toys to
amuse himself with.. The doctor assured me that they were taking every
precaution. I knew this not to be so...

Now I see myself in the parking lot. It is important to me that the van is
still there and that I can leave whenever I want. I re-enter the facility
and in my mind, I am seeing the male nurse being stabbed by the man in the
cell. I do not actually see it, but rather, it is a premonition of what is
either about to occur or perhaps already occurred.. I am not sure.. I walk
in slowly...up to the main desk.. there is no one about. I turn towards the
cell.. the man is gone.. as I suspected...I now hear the sound of a ball
hitting a glove. I turn towards the front door.. The cell man walks
casually by, tossing a ball into a glove..he turns to look at me...I
freeze.. I see him but I do not move even though I know he sees me.....he
goes past the door now.. I begin to  reason out a plan.. I look about but I
can see no one still left alive. I must assume that they are all dead. I
decide to go to the stone stairs.. I figure that the man will not think
that I would walk towards him.. I ex!
it the main floor and run up the stairs hoping that there are those who are
still alive on the second floor. It is hot and I am running fast. I enter
the upper floor door and I find myself in a room similar to a  motel room.
There is a bed, a bureau, a large mirror on top, and a window on the far
side of the bed. I think to myself that I must find comfortable shoes to
escape with.. My visual concept at this point is that the van is no longer
of any use because i see the cell man pulling wires from it. I look out the
window and down to the parking lot..So many vehicles there and probably
every one of those people is dead.. these were my thoughts at the time. I
turn and see myself in the mirror. I am blonde, straight haired and thin. I
am wearing a blue and pink blouse and probably in my mid 40's.. I do not
look at all like my real self and I note this as I see my reflection. Yet
the other me.. the real me is there inside the mind of this person. We are
separate entities at this!
 moment while looking at the mirror. Now I look down and at the side of the
bed is a pair of sneakers. They are a bit worn and fleural in pattern. I
sit at the end of the bed and begin to put them on. I am thinking
consciously about scaling the side of the wall from the bedroom and making
a run down the mountain towards help. I fiddle for a moment or two with one
shoe.. thinking it is a bit large for me... I begin to put on the other
one...I AM STARTLED AT THIS POINT.. the cell man is standing right to my
left above me. My only recourse was to pretend that I was not seeing the
man or rather seem to be in a trance to avoid his presence. I looked up
into the mirror and I see us both in this instance. He is smiling at me. He
is middle aged, greying slightly on the sides, has perfectly straight
teeth, a 5 o'clock shadow, beige shirt with faint stripes, dark beige khaki
dress pants. I continue to stare at him as I rise up to make my exit. I now
feel that I am knocked backwards by a!
 force much greater than him. I land on the bed and I look up into the
mirror. I see the man standing there in the mirror.. he is peeling off his
face to expose what appears to be raw flesh. With an evil white smile he
lays on the bed beside me, holding me. I feel his presence is pure evil.. I
attempt to push away but he is too strong.. I then begin to see my
reflection in the mirror .. I am slowly rising above the room.. beginning
to look down at the cell man on the bed, his reddened fleshy face is hard
to look at yet I find myself watching it.. I know what is happening on the
bed is wrong yet I am now detached to it in some way.. watching it as
though it were a tv show or something.. I am thinking that i am dead now
and that is why i am separate from the woman below me..I cannot be sure. As
I rise above, I see the woman still struggling yet i have no concept of her
sense of fear or terror.. nothing matters to me now.. then I wake up 
Comments by Dreamer      I am a frequent flyer in dreamland..I love to
write my dreams down.. I touch, smell, taste and experience some out of
body experiences in my dreams and would like to know if others do the same.
I feel my dream was a memory of something..this was my impression when i
Permission to Comment    yes_share_comments
Permission Comments      I want to find someone who understands the
relevance of these dreams.. they are much too strong for me at times.

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