Dream Title              Confusing Climb
Date of Dream            8-2-98  approx: 1-3am
Dream                    I dreamed my mother and aunt and myself was
searching for my cousin they could not find him.  I found my cousin on the
East side of town, he then took me to a house which had a back porch which
was joined to the house with no stairs.  

A moment later I noticed that my cousin left me there alone.  Almost in the
same glance to notice my cousin's disappearance, I looked down and saw a
tan mongrel dog which had been dead for some time, It was really gorey with
puss oozing out of its' belly.  Then I noticed that I was not only looking
at it, I was standing in it, I put my hand in it by mistake.  It was very
nasty, I searched for a place to clean my hand and feet.

All of a sudden I was standing looking at a mountain of snow which was made
out of plastic milk crates, the mountain was as high up as I could see.  My
two daughters were on top of the mountain beckoning for me to climb up to
meet them.  I started to climb and noticed the gore that I still had on my
hand, I reached behind myself to wash it in the black beach water and fell
in.  All of a sudden I was surrounded by a group of seals swiming all
around me.  I went under unable to swim, but the seals helped me to get to
the top of the water to begin to climb again, which I did.  Almost at the
top of the man made mountain I woke up with the sensation that someone had
been massaging the back on my head!!  
Comments by Dreamer      I frequently have dreams of climbing up ladders,
stair, sides of buildings, and being taken to the top in an elevator.  I
rarely dream of dead creatures.  Please interpret for clarity.
Permission to Comment    yes_share_comments
Permission Comments      No comments, if appropriate please share my dream
with anyone. I have plenty

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