From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: Confusing Climb
 Date: Tue, 04 Aug 1998 07:24:01 -0700

 Dream Title              Confusing Climb
 Date of Dream            8-2-98  approx: 1-3am

 Dream                    I dreamed my mother and aunt and myself was
 searching for my cousin they could not find him.  I found my cousin on the
 East side of town, he then took me to a house which had a back porch which
 was joined to the house with no stairs.  
 A moment later I noticed that my cousin left me there alone.  Almost in the
 same glance to notice my cousin's disappearance, I looked down and saw a
 tan mongrel dog which had been dead for some time, It was really gorey with
 puss oozing out of its' belly.  Then I noticed that I was not only looking
 at it, I was standing in it, I put my hand in it by mistake.  It was very
 nasty, I searched for a place to clean my hand and feet.
  All of a sudden I was standing looking at a mountain of snow which was made
 out of plastic milk crates, the mountain was as high up as I could see.  My
 two daughters were on top of the mountain beckoning for me to climb up to
 meet them.  I started to climb and noticed the gore that I still had on my
 hand, I reached behind myself to wash it in the black beach water and fell
 in.  All of a sudden I was surrounded by a group of seals swiming all
 around me.  I went under unable to swim, but the seals helped me to get to
 the top of the water to begin to climb again, which I did.  Almost at the
 top of the man made mountain I woke up with the sensation that someone had
 been massaging the back on my head!!  

 Comments by Dreamer      I frequently have dreams of climbing up ladders,
 stair, sides of buildings, and being taken to the top in an elevator.  I
 rarely dream of dead creatures.  Please interpret for clarity.
 Permission to Comment    yes_share_comments
 Permission Comments      No comments, if appropriate please share my dream
 with anyone. I have plenty


Symbol : Person / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

In the majority of cases all other people involved in a dream will represent
some aspect of the dreamer. People we don't know but seem to be like someone
we know will also represent some aspect of the dreamer. People that we don't
know at all represent something new, a new aspect in the dreamer's life. 
When the person in the dream is someone we recognize then we must stop to
think what this person represents to us ( attraction, intelligence, stupidity,
etc.) or if we have some kind of influence over this person ( emotional,
financial, etc.) or maybe he/she has something that distinguishes him/her (
shy, trustworthy, etc.). Whichever the case, whatever you feel that person is
symbolizing, the dream is usually about you. In other words, if you see
someone who you think is highly intelligent, the symbol will be about your own
It is also important to notice the gender of the dream person. A male will
masculine energy; rationality, creative boldness, enterprise, courage. A
female or 
feminine energy stands for feelings, intuition, relatedness, sensitivity and
the like.
Sometimes the dream will actually be about the relationship with the other
person, but it is safer and more objective to see them as a representation of
yourself first. Take responsibility for what you project on a dream person and
learn from what they are teaching you about yourself.

  Symbol : Buildings / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Buildings of any type are usual in dreams and they represent the dreamers
physical body. In real life the body is the house of our thoughts, feelings,
desires and beliefs. 

  Symbol : Stairs / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Stairs or anything that permits you to move up and down like elevators,
ladders, hills, ramps, etc. suggest either progress or regression. The act of
going up means an advance in some aspect of life or in some situation or the
gaining of a goal. While going down represents the contrary a regression or
depression in life. 
If your dream begins in a low level and ends up in a higher level this will
mean you are on the right track.
If the opposite is true then the problem hasn't been solved and may be getting

  Symbol : Left & Right / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

In dreams, the left side symbolizes masculinity and the right side femininity.

  Symbol : Beige / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Beige is  a color symbolizing idealism and neutrality.

  Symbol : Colors / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Colors almost always appear in abundance in dreams and they shouldn't be taken
into account unless they have an important role in the dream or they stand out
in some way. Reflect on the way that you use a certain color in your everyday
life and consider how much it influences you. Do you normally say things like
black mood, green with envy, feeling blue, yellow-bellied, etc. Or maybe you
have a special personal meaning for a color.

  Symbol : Dog / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

The dog, the most domesticated of all animals has always played an important
role in the life of mankind. In mythology the dog has symbolized fidelity,
watchfulness, nobility; 
it has guarded the gates of the underworld and attended the dead, has been a 
messenger of man as well as his friend ( though sometimes associated with
witches and warlocks). The Christians see the dog as the protector of the
shepherd's flock, therefore sometimes symbolizing priesthood.  Jewish
tradition considered the dog evil or even demonic. Your own feelings towards
dogs should however be the basis for the interpretation.

  Symbol : Animals / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Animals represent our instinctual passional nature. The meaning of this symbol
depend on the associations that you make with the specific animal. Size and
the manner in which the creatures act in relation to you will tell you
something about your own feelings and reactions.

  Symbol : Death / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

We are constantly in a process of transformation and renewal. But in order to
start a new cycle an old one must "die". We must get rid of old attitudes,
behavior and values. Therefore, deaths in dreams are almost never a cause for
alarm. And they are showing us the end of some aspect of our psyche. But where
there is the end of one cycle comes the beginning of another.

  Symbol : Hand / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Hands are extensions of our personalities. They have always been an image of
The way we use them in the dream is very significant; folded on your chest
resignation, peace; clenched fists symbolize passion and protest; we can lift
our hands in anger or in surrender; we use them to bless and to curse; to
cover our eyes from something. Think of the posture of your hands and relate
it to the rest of the dream.

  Symbol : Snow / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Snow suggests problems that to the dreamer's eyes seem helpless. Snow piles up
becoming very heavy which symbolizes a  heavy load on the dreamer. 

  Symbol : Basket / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

As a container, the basket generally symbolizes fruitfulness. The symbol could
suggest that you are gaining  experience. It may represent your personality as
a whole. What was in the basket is particularly significant. An empty basket
could symbolize an empty life. 

  Symbol : Inequality / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Inequality usually comes up in a dream where there is a comparison between
something small and something large, something high and something low, etc.
This suggests something that is not in equilibrium, and may suggest a feeling
of unjustified inferiority or superiority in the dreamer.
This doesn't mean the dreamer is inferior or superior, only that he/she feels
that way.

  Symbol : Two / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

The number two suggests the need to select between two things, paths,
decisions, etc.

  Symbol : Numbers / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Numbers usually work more as personal symbols than as universal symbols and
therefore are best interpreted by the dreamer. If you wish to see the
universal interpretation of a specific number check the symbol for that

    Symbol : Black / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

The color black suggest problems, death ( not necessarily of a person, might
be a 
situation ).

  Symbol : Water / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

Water is a symbol of the dreamers life and his/her emotions. Unless there is
something wrong with the water, its presence usually has a positive nature. 

  Symbol : Head / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

This could be a physical reference to a headache of some ailment in your head.
On the other hand the head is the symbol of rational thinking and
understanding. A large head might symbolize the rational aspect while a small
or severed head might mean the lack of rational behavior and understanding.

  Symbol : Drowning / Meaning from Dream Dictionary

This could mean that your problems seem overwhelming at present. Do you feel
you are drowning in your problems? Are you trying to keep afloat?

Great dream....thanks for sharing with us!




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