see            and
bat dream- avoid becoming"no one of significance" this dream suggests and
smell the peace down from where you dreamed this dream

cat dream-this dream suggests avoid becoming "ridiculous" and smell  peace to
the right or left of where the cat was

all dreams suggest action until the next dream

now following my previous talk of smelling dreams, let us continue with a
potato restricted and beer restricted diet especially for women especially
those not taking an iron supplement. men, the potato and beer along with
oysters and crab can diminish your ability to smell your dreams in a lucid
fashion unless you also are taking iron supplements in a vitamin complex. i am
hesitant to mention these foods for all are high in tryptophan which helps
memory so moderation is at least the suggestion here for men and abstinance
more for women if there is no iron supplementation. 
 i liked the dog goin west dream because dogs' sense of smell is much better
than the human's but can animals put their other senses in to action by way of
the nose when they are deprived? perhaps someone has heard of the phantom limb
effect in amputaion cases in humans and can tell if such an effect is so for
dogs. i heard any deprived area can relocate into other parts of the body so i
guess that the other senses locate in an undeprived sense like the nose when
we sleep. if only humans can relocate sense and since it is supposed humans
are more developed in other ways perhaps it is in dreams that we surpass our
dogs in sense although we have the sense also to keep dogs for protection.

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