Dream Title              Betrayal? 

Date of Dream            9/16/98 

early norning

Dream                    I was walking down a hallway (similar to one in
the house I grew up in, but not exactly the same) and came to a door.  I
opened it and inside were my mother (died 9/9/87, age 91) and my husband
(divorced 8/87)on the bed making love.  I was devastated.  I closed the
door and started back down the hall.  My husband came out and tried to stop
me from leaving. My mother also came out, but said nothing. She was dressed
in a silvery see-through sheath.  Though she was elderly, she looked great
(better than she ever did in life), and she was smiling. I was crying and
asking him how he could do this to me and with my mother, who is in her
70's.  I was trying to remember exactly how old she was, but I couldn't do
the math in my head.  I was aware that other people (I didn't know who)
were watching all of this.  I was feeling guilty throughout the dream,
because I knew that I was the cause of this happening; that somehow I had
set it all up.  Then I awoke. 
Comments by Dreamer      My mother was 46 when I was born, and I never knew
her as a youthful or sexual being.  My husband was a sex addict. I
remarried in 1989 & was widowed in 1993.  I'm now ready to start dating
again.  What could this dream mean?   
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