Re: <My father's funeral >  What wonderful dreaming! Yes, I have heard and
myself witnesssed many similar accounts of responsiveness in dreams
particularly in the recently deceased. The three day period seems about
right in terms of Buddhist understanding of when the consciousness would
return.  Also, read Edgar Cayce on Dreams for various accounts of dream
phenomena- . He indicated that some 'visitation' dreams are indeed just
that- real visitations.  How to tell these from other dreams? He says, and
I teach that it is by the feeling tone of the dream. The actual visitation
dreams have a particularly potent, and eventually recognizable feeling,
completely different from a regular dream about the person.

My best to you, IONE

Send a dream to my Dream Sack Website

December 11  at 12:45 PM - Haas Pavillion, Mills college, Oakland
a scene from Ione's <Njinga the Queen King>
Featuring Mills Students and Bay Area Community Members

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