The first homework assignment in my math classes this year was to download
and install Python.  I've been using it most extensively in my FST
(Functions Statistics Trig) class.  The curriculum starts with sigma
notation, so I showed them list comprehension syntax.  All it requires is
knowing how to create an algebraic expression, some understanding of
range(), and some understanding of 'for' and 'in'.  Really quite
reasonable.  The reactions have been mixed.  Some kids were really
apprehensive and complained to the principal.  He emailed me, and I
responded saying they should come see me.  I figured that they were
mistakenly assuming that they were responsible for understanding everything
I had been showing them on the first couple of days, and I was right.  That
stuff was just to present an overview.  Some kids really were intrigued by
Python, and they asked questions like 'how many digits of pi can it show?'
I was anticipating that, so I had a spigot algorithm on hand, and we
generated thousands of digits of pi!  It was great, but some of these
over-achievers think they're supposed to regurgitate everything they see
happen in class.  After all, their only real concern is their GPA.  This
kind of attitude has ruined education.  Anyway, having a few one-on-one
sessions cleared things up.  I showed them that all they really had to know
was very little.  The other stuff was just for fun.  So they were OK with
that.  Some of the kids are still apprehensive, but others are

One day a new kid signed in, and during class I had volunteers come up to
the computer to enter their expressions in Python.  After class I asked the
kid if what we were doing made any sense, and he was beaming.  He said yes,
and he couldn't wait to get home to download Python.  That was very

What I want the kids and colleagues and administration to understand is that
this is not something on top of the algebra, this IS algebra!  It's algebra
that RUNS.  It's 21st century algebra.

Some are getting it, and I'm glad to see that.  But many still don't.
Unfortunately, these others aren't just students.

It's a weird balance.  It splits in weird ways through the groups of
students, colleagues, administrators.

- Michel
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