Hi Marc,

Firstly, welcome!

On 9/25/06, Marc Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know of any good Biblical software designed for serious study?

Sorry I've no idea but I am aware of the existence of
http://www.christianubuntu.com/ .  You might get some ideas via there.

> Can I add the Edubuntu features without overwriting my current Ubuntu
> installation?

Yes, installing the edubuntu-desktop metapackage will add Edubuntu's
educational apps to an Ubuntu install.  If you're wanting to set it up
as a classroom server then the edubuntu-server metapackage will kick
off that process.

> Also, I could not figure out how to make my 3COM U.S. Robotics USR5610B 56K
> V.92 Performance Pro Modem to work with Ubuntu.

This page might help with getting that working:

Hope something here helps.

Cheers, Dave.
David Symons

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