
On Sat, 30 Sep 2006, James McDermott wrote:

> We are experiencing a problem during the boot of thin-clients where some
> of the thin-clients will sometimes boot into a screen with the following
> prompt:
> Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS ltsp tty1
> Ltsp login:
> A simple reboot, of the thin-client, will sometimes fix the problem
> ending up with the normal Edubuntu login screen.

Try pressing holding <ctrl><alt> and pressing <F7>.  This should
(hopefully) switch you to the graphical terminal.  

You can get to any of the 6 local text terminala on a thin client by
pressing <ctrl><alt><F1> or <F2>, etc.  This can be useful for debugging
(though you must first create an account in the LTSP system in /opt/ltsp/
on the server).  You use <ctrl><alt><F7> to return to the graphical


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