Hi Carsten

> >I have the same sentiment of disappointment towards these KDE
> >developers. 
> Am I one of those KDE-folks? I couldn't find out which group of developers 
> you mean.

Yes, I originally referred to you. Anne-Marie cleared up that it is
non-representative of KDE or KDE-edu.

> >Instead, sadly, they had very harsh criticisms that can't be backed that
> >they took out on the completely wrong people. 
> I wonder which mails you mean? I hope that you don't mean my blog because I 
> think I was not harsh at all. I allo hope that you didn't mean annmas mail 
> (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-devel/2006-September/001767.html).
>  So please, lets start to work together and help each other. With KDE4 there 
> will be much smaller kdelibs because we chop it up in smaller pieces (at 
> least that is the plan).

I think that you were a bit harsh in your blog, and even though I
understand now that you didn't have any cruel intentions, it
unfortunately did spark off some hate mail :/

> So do I!
> I have more than 500 mails in my inbox and can only read them using a very 
> crappy webinterface. I hope I din't miss the important bits...

No problem, ogra forwarded one of his replies to one of the messages to
the list, it might be a bit tough to read in a webmail interface though.

I believe that you are serious about working together and doing what's
ultimately best for the end-user. Ubuntu now has an education manager -
Richard Weideman, I'm sure he will be able to work with Anne-Marie to
help set up a good way for everyone to use their energies collectivly
and focus it so that we don't work against each other. I have no hard
feelings and I think there is lots of good opportunities here. I can see
how Oliver and Jordan may feel a bit demotivated by this, but it seems
that everyone wants the same thing here, so it should be easily fixed.


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