Hello everyone,
we're proud to announce a technology preview for the next Endian
Firewall release:

    Endian Firewall Community 3.2.0 alpha1 (codename tocyo)

What does "technology preview" mean?
 We're giving you the opportunity to play with the bleeding edge
technologies we're working on.

What the hell are those "technologies"?
 Something that you always wanted!

A fresh new Linux under the hood:
 - 64 bit support
 - modern and super updated kernel 4.1.17
 - python 2.7.3
 - openssl 1.0.1r patched for the latest security issues
 openvpn, squid, apache, postfix .. you name it!
Every single daemon has been updated and patched.

Are you thinking about the 3 days ago critical security CVE on glibc?
We patched it!

This is just the beginning, the best is yet to come.
Happy installing!

Your Endian Team

:: e n d i a n
:: Securing everyThing

:: Luca Giovenzana - head of QA and training manager
:: phone +39 0471 631763  :: gpg key id 3B741128
:: http://www.endian.com  :: luca (at) endian.com

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