Don W3FPR wrote:
Are you aware that reducing the RF gain will reduce the AGC action as well. 
Folks who want to try it may be surprised how well copy can be made under 
QRM conditions with the AF gain at full and the overall gain controlled by 
the RF gain.

With this technique, the residual AGC provides some 'limiting' protection 
for the ears while allowing one to dig for really weak signals - this is 
applicable at any bandwidth, but more so for wider ones.


Good point, Don. Yes, that's what I do with the K2 quite a bit. It's worked
well enough that I've put off fixing up a limiter. 

The problem comes up when I need to run the gains up for a very weak station
and suddenly a huge signal in the passband keys the rig. The AGC kicks in
and the weak signal disappears! Saves my ears, more or less, but kills the

With a hard limiter, if I've got the weak signal up right where the limiter
is starting to clip, a much stronger signal is no louder. It's just rougher
sounding thanks to the higher degree of clipping it gets. 


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