Right on, Ian!

So far, in three Elecraft kits, I've had one missing component -- the K2 binocular core, and I got it from [EMAIL PROTECTED] well before I needed it.

That said, the single largest value to me of the complete inventory is assuring that I really know what each part looks like! Heathkits were a lot easier in this department -- massively larger parts and few resembled each other. I decided on the K2 (first Elecraft try) to do the inventory (and separate the parts), AND then read thru the assembly manual, locating each part and it's place on the board, and occasionally making notes in the margin. My assembly time was about 50 hours or so total, which is probably on the high side, but it was well worth it.

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Ian Stirling G4ICV, AB2GR wrote:
On Monday 27 June 2005 13:03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would suspect that the vast majority of "missing" parts, are in reality
"unable to find" parts.   Given the size and number of parts in the kits,
there's a lot of stuff to paw through when building a module.

  During the inventory, I noticed the six fibre
washers were missing and had them delivered in time
for when I needed them. If I had just built the K2
with no inventory checking, I would have been delayed
by not being able to mount the power output transistors.

Ian, K2 #4962

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