Vic wrote:

>... most likely, future kits will include machine-made SMT subassemblies
>which will be put together by the builder.
>Is this bad?  I don't think so.  I didn't complain about not building 
>the microprocessor in my K2!

I think it would be great.  Think of the construction time saved, the reduced 
opportunities for construction errors and missing parts, and the increased 
completed system reliability that would result.

I know there's not a whole lot of regard for the little MFJ Cub QRP rigs that 
have been out for a few years, but one of the really wonderful pioneering 
characteristics of this kit is the use of pre-assembled SMTs on the PCB for all 
the mundane and boring components like fixed-value resistors, capacitors, 
transistors, and ICs.  The components that are hand assembled are the frequency 
determining inductors, transformers, crystals, variable resistors, connectors, 
etc.  As a result, there is very little in the way of small parts to inventory 
or lose, and the kit goes together in no time.

If only the Cub design had used a separate LC VFO stage rather than using the 
one that is integral to the first 612 IC to reduce drift, and used a larger 
non-SMT PA driver transistor (better key-down power output stability), these 
would be quite servicable.

I'd have loved it if my K1 kits had been predominantly pre-assembled SMT.  In 
fact, that's one of the few things I can think of to improve the K1.  I'd buy a 
mostly pre-assembled SMT version of a KX1 in a heartbeat.

Mike / KK5F 
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