Allow me to disagree with Jim and Rick on this issue and recommend some native Mac programs. I have used RUMlog (a general purpose log program) and RUMped (a contest logger) for several years. They are mature programs and Thomas, DL2RUM provides excellent support. He has a new logging program, RUMlogNG which provides the functionality of both programs and is available at not cost through the Apple App store.

I just installed RUMlogNG yesterday, and am still getting it set up. It will cooperate with fldigi to provide digital modes and will directly run a K3 or KX3. Since the K3S is operationally the same as the K3 as far as computer control is concerned, it should also "just work".

NOTE: If anyone wants to load old QSOs into RUMlogNG, read the getting started documentation first.

I am also a big fan of cocoaModem for digital modes. It supports decoding both the main and sub receivers, which is nice for working pileups.

For information on ham radio programs for the Mac, see 

73 Bill AE6JV

On 1/27/16 at 10:51 AM, (a45wg) wrote:

Fellow Hams,
I received my K3-S a few weeks ago - and I have been marvelling at it’s features. I still am awaiting the arrival of a rotator - and them I will hoist some Yagi’s up… but in the meantime - I am enjoying the awesome RX/TX on this radio….

I used to be quite an active contest station (alas no 4x4x4 here) - on CW/SSB and Occasionally RTTY - so please may I ask for some steerage/advice regarding the best way to connect a K3-S to a PC so I can automate some of the repetition of contest work …. I fully understand and accept "DE TEST” is not everyone’s cup of tea… But I enjoy it at times.

It appears that WinKeyer is popular - will that suffice just for CW ? How about 
Data Modes ??

I would prefer not to have 3 or 4 options - but too keep things simple. In the “old days” I used to use a SignaLink - which I found flexible and worthwhile.

OS for PC:  Linux or Mac - NOT Windows

Many thanks for taking the time to read this


Tim - A45WG
Bill Frantz        | Privacy is dead, get over    | Periwinkle
(408)356-8506 | it. | 16345 Englewood Ave | - Scott McNealy | Los Gatos, CA 95032

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