>I was wondering if anyone has considered a 17 meter option.

The clocking rate of the KX1's AD9834 DDS chip is 50 MHz, the maximum rated for 
the chip.  Typically, the highest usable output frequency from a DDS chip is no 
greater than about one-third the clock rate, or about 16.6 MHz.

Thus, the KX1 design won't support 18 MHz or higher ham bands because the DDS 
chip isn't capable of generating cleanly (for a DDS) the required transmit 
frequency or the high-side receiver local oscillator frequency that is required 
for one of the sideband reception modes. 

The K1, in contrast, doesn't use DDS frequency generation.  Its four-band 
filter board can be built for 40 and 30 meters, plus ANY TWO of the following 
three bands:  20m, 17m, 15m. 

Mike / KK5F

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