I know this message is a bit old, but I've been too tied up with other projects to read the reflector mail for the last two months (fyi - the reflector generated over 2000 emails in the last 2 months).

The increased gain mod I did for the KSB2 was originally designed to increase the transmit gain in SSB for a barefoot K2. The original K2 had difficulty reaching 10 watts of power output in SSB on 10 meters. When you drove the audio input harder to get to full power, the K2 would start to clip on the audio peaks. This does not create a wider bandwidth signal because the SSB modulator is followed by the SSB filter, but it does increase the audio distortion. I added the extra emitter follower stage to increase the overall IF gain in the SSB transmit signal path.

This mod should not be necessary with the KPA100, since it can reach full power with only a few watts of drive. Some folks have reported that the emitter follower stage can cause power output instability when the KPA100 is installed. There is at least one fix around that reduces the gain of the emitter follower stage by increasing the emitter resistor value and apparently eliminates this instability. I would recommend that the emitter follower gain stage not be used in a K2/100 since it does appear to cause a stability problem, and there is no need for the extra gain on 10 meters.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Roy Morris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 9:41 AM

I would like to hear from anyone who has K2/100s with both the unmodified KSB2 and the modified KSB2 with the KI6WX 2N2222 amp mod (and 1.08 firmware). How does this mod affect mic gain and VOX operation? How does the absence of this mod affect mic gain and VOX operation? Does the mod help SSB modulation on 10 meters with the power level set at 5 watts? Do you find this mod helpful at 100 watts? Thanks for your input. Roy Morris W4WFB

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