Problem solved (I think)

I believe that the front panel PCB underwent a change somewhere along the line - incorporating the changes recommended to the AF gain control. The K2 I am working on has a low serial number - 01762. However, the original owner who was building it struck trouble with the front panel. When I got it, I tried repairing it, but gave it up as a bad job and got a new front panel kit from Elecraft. On plugging in this (new) front panel, I found I could not vary the AF gain. I swapped the front panel for another from my other, post S/N3000 K2, with exactly the same result - no variation in AF gain.

I have proceeded with the A to B mods and have completed the AF gain changes on the control board and also the RF board. When I came to the front panel, it appeared as if the recommended mods had already been applied. So I buttoned up the K2, applied power, and voila, the AF gain control worked perfectly.

Thanks, David, for your explanation of what was going on.


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