
I also was not able to achieve a satisfactory transmitter power
calibration using a borrowed Bird wattmeter and dummy load, in fact I
was not able to get the Bird to read more than about 75 watts no
matter what power level I set.  I repeated the calibration using my
own Elecraft WM1 and the calibration looked OK on both LP and HP, and
the power according to WM1 topped out at about 106 watts.

There are a lot of unknowns here, and I don't know if these results
are really inconsistent given the expected accuracy of the Bird meter
and the WM1.  I have two questions for the group:  1) what is the
acceptable range of maximum power output from a K3, and 2) do the low
power calibration and the high power calibration interact, so that the
low power calibration must be done before trying the high power
calibration.  The Bird meter did not have a low power slug and I
wasn't able to do a low power calibration with it, but the WM1 works
over a wide power range and I did the WM1 calibrations in sequence.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to get the Bird back for a re-check
yet, maybe later this week.

Curt AH6RE
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