Good evening,
   Happily there were a few folks I could hear.  One for each net to be exact.  
It got to the point where I checked the antenna a few times after I had already 
checked if it had survived the storms.  Yes, it is still there and there is not 
much ice on it either.  I also programmed the CQ message into the rig so I 
could read while the radio was calling.  This has never happened to me before.  
I don't know what the bands are doing because I could hear people on both of 
them before I started the net.  Is everyone off doing things?  I may be the 
only one home alone on a Sunday night.  But some of you write that you only 
read my announcements and reports :)  I am sure Eric would say something if we 
did not have an Elecraft net associated with my weekly epistles so something 
needs to change.  Should we eliminate one of the bands?  Move the times?  Or 
should we get someone else to run them?  Any input would be of interest.  
   On to the lists =>

   On 14050 kHz at 0000z:
NS7P - Phil - OR - K3 - 1826

   On 7045 kHz at 0300z:
W6ZH - Pete - CA - K3 - 657

   Both of these stations were 599 to me but both gave me a 339 in return.  It 
is very strange that I can hear an Oregon station so strongly on 20 meters.  
Pete is normally pretty strong to me on 40 meters so this is not unusual.  I 
wonder what sort of odd propagation is occurring tonight.  I hope it fixes 
itself before the Tuesday and Thursday night Fox hunts though.  I would like to 
get at least one of the four foxes.  
   The weather has calmed down.  I got a little freezing rain, then a little 
sleet, and then snow for the rest of the day.  Currently there is no snow 
falling but that is due to change.  Luckily the winds are very mild.  Last 
night they were gusting so there are bits of fir tree all over the snow.  My 
stairs are mostly buried.  The top of the snow is over the third step so I must 
tread lightly and count steps on my way down.  Fortunately, if I fall the snow 
will bouy me up.  
   Until next week have a very Merry Christmas and stay warm, dry, and well,
         Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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