Today I was listening around on 40m cw and messing with the "Shift" and 
Width knobs. I had the NR turned on. I was running the Shift up and down the 
range just casually listening to the noise pitch change. Retired people have 
this kind of time. I had the width down to 50 hz then I hit the FIL button 
to open things back up again and that's when it happened. The most 
horrendous blast of audio I've ever heard. My face was about 12" from the 5 
x 6" speaker and it almost blew my glasses off.  I have no doubt it was FULL 
AF gain. I jumped and nearly soiled myself. My first instinct was to quickly 
turn down the AF gain. I just barely turned the AF gain down and everything 
went back to normal. After my heart calmed down I tried to retrace my steps 
but have not been able to duplicate it. I guess it was a CPU glitch or 
something but it sure knocked a few days off my life.
I had this happen to an Orion several times back before they got some of the 
bugs out of it. At least I could duplicate and report it but this one has me 

Steve N4LQ 

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