Jobst Heitzig said:

> It is of no help for a minority to be represented proportionally when > still a mere 51% majority can make all decisions!

I disagree. The advantage is that it allows 'on the fly' coalition re-organisation.

If all the legislators are elected via a single seat system, then in effect, the 2 coalitions must be decided prior to the election. In
fact, in the US, the Republican and Democrat 'coalitions' last on a
> multi-decade scale.

A block of 15% of the legislature would be a minority. However, if something oppressive was attempted against them, they could switch sides.
However, if all the legislators were elected via a single seat method, then
the supporters of those 15% would have to wait until the subsequent election
and it might be to late by then.

This appears to be, more generally, an issue of feedback. Democracy itself does better than dictatorship (even from a purely technical point of view, as opposed to a moral one) because the people can steer the representatives in the right direction. If the rulers get too detached from this correction, they get corrupted by the power and bad things happen.

If that's correct, then we should try to find ways of connecting the system even more tightly. Proportional representation would fit within this idea set for the reasons you point out, or broadly, that as minorities change, the representative-voter links update more quickly than they do within a majoritarian system.

Predictions based on that idea would consider the ideal to be direct democracy. Next to that would be continuous update of representative power ("continuous elections"). While both of these might work if we were machines, the former scales badly and the latter would put an undue load on the voters unless they could decide whether to be part of any given readjustment.

If we consider the case where decisions have effects that don't appear instantly, it gets more complex. For instance, democratic opinion could shift more quickly than the decisions made by one side has time to settle or actually do any difference. But even there, if we consider it an issue of feedback, we have parallels; in this case to oscillations or hunting, and to control theory regarding how to keep such oscillations from happening.

The feedback point of view is not an end-all-be-all. If there's a static or consistent majority that decide to, as an example, exclude minorities, that is "democratic", but still not a good state of things, and no amount of making the democracy more accurately translate the wishes of the majority into action can fix that, since the majority wants to keep on excluding the minority.

Anyone know a better free mail system that doesn't cause lots of ??? when
I post to this group?
The usual suspects should work: Gmail, hotmail, Yahoo; or see the Wikipedia comparison page at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_webmail_providers . Most ISPs also provide mail accounts of their own for their subscribers, and (without knowing more) I'd assume yours do as well; if that is so, you could use that account and a dedicated mail reader like Thunderbird.
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