Thanos Papaïoannou <> writes:

> I have bound Tab to move-link-next and Shift-Tab to move-link-prev in
> my elinks.conf.
>       1. Shift-Tab works correctly in X, but behaves like Tab when I pass
> to the console (Alt-Ctrl-F1). Any other keybinding for this function
> works properly both in console and in X.

It seems the usual keymaps for Linux map both Tab and Shift+Tab
to the ASCII TAB character, so that ELinks cannot know which one
you pressed.  (Well, perhaps it could read the shift state with
some ioctl, but that wouldn't work reliably.)  On the other hand,
xterm maps Shift+Tab to CSI Z, which ELinks 0.11.3 recognizes.

In the console-data 1.09 package, there are four keymaps that map
Shift+Tab to the same sequence as xterm does.  They all use F215
for this.  So, save these three lines as a script and execute it:

#! /bin/loadkeys
shift keycode 15 = F215
string F215 = "\033[Z"

Then I think you'll have Shift+Tab working in ELinks, unless you
have an unusual keyboard where Tab is not keycode 15.

>       2. When not on a link, Tab moves the cursor to the link closest to
> the top of the page; is there a way to force the link to jump to the
> nearest link instead?

In ELinks 0.12pre1, there is a new action move-link-right-line
that may do what you want.  In 0.11.3, it seems impossible: even
the scripting modules do not provide access to the list of links
in the document.

>       3. Greek characters appear oddly spaced out when typing in forms or
> the Go-to-URL bar in X.

You appear to be using UTF-8, which ELinks 0.11.3 does not
support internally.  You should select some other character set
in the Setup menu (presumably ISO 8859-7 if you want Greek) and
then separately enable UTF-8 I/O in the terminal options window.
Unfortunately, ELinks 0.11.3 will then not encode the names of
local files in UTF-8, and internationalized domain names will
probably fail unless you also change the locale environment
variables to specify ISO 8859-7.

Alternatively, you could try the ELinks 0.12 prereleases, where
UTF-8 works far better.
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