On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 03:17:30PM EST, Jim Pryor wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 01:12:53PM -0500, Chris Jones wrote:

> > to speak, which makes me think that I should be able to skip the
> > popup. 
> > 
> > I played with the options under 'Options Manager -> MIME' and
> > ELinks's command-line switches, but I am still seeing this popup.
> > 
> > Is there any way I could have Elinks skip this dialog?
> Try piping to something like "elinks -force-html".

Thanks, but I tried that and it does not do what I want:

When I hit the [Open] button after the dialog pops up, the input is
rendered in simile-html fashion - i.e. I can navigate to http links,
email addresses, etc. 

With -force-html I only get a long line of characters with no
formatting whatsoever.

What I'm doing is using the mutt mailer's '|' aka 'pipe' command to
switch to Elinks with the current message as input. From that point on I
am in 'browser mode', and can navigate the message as if it were a web
page, and otherwise benefite from all of Elinks's rendering and
navigation features, which is considerably more effective than having
the message rendered 'elinks -dump' or harvesting the links via urlview
or urlscan.

In essence, it's as if I had converted a text file/message to html and
pointed ELinks to the resulting file.

This work quite well, except that I'm getting a little frustrated at
seeing this popup and having to hit <Enter> all the time. :-)


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