On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 03:48:37AM EDT, Lars Bjørndal wrote:

> On intranet at work, there sometimes happens to be unicode (UTF-8)
> characters such as a Norwegian ø in the filename. With lynx I can
> retrieve these files, but not with elinks. Is there something I can do
> to get elinks work also with these URLs?

I did the following to create a test file:

% echo 'øøøøøø' > /tmp/file-ø

Pointed elinks to /tmp/file-ø

and was able to display the file's content successfully.

Vim tells me that the characters in the file are U+00F8.

% elinks --version
ELinks 0.12pre5

I mention the latter because I remember that maybe 2-3 years ago I did
have some trouble getting the version of Elinks that came with debian to
work with my en_UTF8 locale. I had to build my own from a more recent
tarball AFAICR..

With the current version that comes with debian stable, I don't remember
doing any kind of customization, so my guess is that whatever problem
I had with UTF-8 in the past was fixed and that this should work out of
the box with any recent version of Elinks..


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