I configured XTerm and Emacs to use the same font with same size as

in .Xresources:

  XTerm*faceName: xft:monospace:pixelsize=16
  XTerm*faceNameDoublesize: fzsongti
  Emacs.Font: monospace:pixelsize=16

in .emacs:

(when window-system
  (set-fontset-font (frame-parameter nil 'font)
                    'han '("FZSongTi" . "unicode-bmp")))

And then I compared Chinese characters in 'emacs -nw' running in xterm
and emacs running in X11. It turns out Chinese characters are
substantially smaller in Emacs running in X11.

However, C-u C-x = shows that the characters have pixelsize 16. Is this
a bug?

Here is an example:

        character: 大 (22823, #o54447, #x5927)
preferred charset: chinese-gb2312 (GB2312 Chinese simplified: ISO-IR-58)
       code point: 0x3473
           syntax: w    which means: word
         category: C:Chinese (Han) characters of 2-byte character sets 
c:Chinese h:Korean j:Japanese
                   |:While filling, we can break a line at this character.
      buffer code: #xE5 #xA4 #xA7
        file code: #xB4 #xF3 (encoded by coding system chinese-iso-8bit-unix)
          display: by this font (glyph code)

Leo <sdl.web AT gmail.com>                         (GPG Key: 9283AA3F)

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