Michael Welsh Duggan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Please describe exactly what actions triggered the bug
> and the precise symptoms of the bug:
> This emacs was built from the unicode branch, CVS updated 2007/07/27.
> Starting with "emacs -Q":
> I evaluated
> (setq tramp-password-prompt-regexp
>       "^.*\\(?:[pP]assword\\(?: for .*\\)?\\|passphrase.*\\):

Hmm, guess there is something critical when Tramp is loaded. I've
recently changed the encoding cookies to utf-8 in the Tramp files, due
to another problem. This might help here as well.

Since I don't use the unicode branch, it will take some few days until
this change arrives you with the regular merge from the trunk.

Best regards, Michael.

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